曾幾何時,為了補強花了我五千元的手機之攝影功能,我出動了珍藏十多年的放大鏡(註三)。不過,放大鏡平日放在公司,所以今日早前兩幀相片只能嘗試拉遠主體距離後再zoom in,有目共睹,結果不算是「強差人意」,只能算作「不能接受」。
每次有人向我問及新型號手機時,除了令我想起我如何為它們做Stress Test外(註四),我只會粗略介紹它的特點(例如N95的鏡頭有Auto-Focus),同時,以專業知識告之對方,所謂的像素只是數字罷了。我可以隨便寫一個程式把一百萬像的照片推高至二百萬像,甚至三百萬像,但不等於照片更清晰,沒錯,像素越低照片越差,但像素越高不等於照片越靚。最好莫過於拍幾張照片再放到電腦上看來引証。
註三:參閱January 20, 2006之「手提相機微距攝影大法」。
註四:Stress Test 和糟質是不同的,我絕對不會承認那就是虐待。
the person (who seeks advices!) is me?!?!?!?!
Haha, you have already opened it! It looked good ah!
kid can't resist candy, me can't resist rx79[g]. esp that this 1:200 version has many advantages over the 1:100 mg version (which is nearly 8 years ago).
neck - can raise, so it can stare at the sun/star.
shoulders - joints can swing outward, shoulders can move fore and back.
hands - larger angle of movement.
waist - form by two parts, allow leading left/right and fore/back.
foots - form by two parts (compare with 1 in mg)
foots protectors - can lift upward
back case: added bar to lock the gun parts.
variable back-rack - now need to exchange parts.
elbows - simplify from three to two. not able to re-produce fold-up position.
swords door - door joint removed.
cock-pit door - not able to open
elevator arm - not able to open
knee - fix (although i've no idea why mg version can move)
When I saw the poster of Transformer (4D cinema!) I thought of you! I am sure you would want to watch it.... although it is in the airport!
Before yestereday, I was considering whether PSP or PS3 version of the Transformer. After trying the NDS version, I decided that I will only watch the movie.
4D movie might be cool, hope the impact and effect would be great.
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