Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Crashes when going to Investment Portfolio in Microsoft Money

For some reason, my Money 2005 suddenly freeze and closed, without an error message.

Microsoft Money Deluxe Version

With a quick search on Google, I got this link: http://money.mvps.org/faq/article/21.aspx

However, creating a temp file doesn't help.  And that suggest me to Microsoft's knowledge base 272211.  The problem is, Microsoft has removed that articles for whatever reason.  You cannot find it.  Luckily, by a search of this number, I can find a Portuguese link:


In case they might remove the resolution from KB future, I copied it here for my own use.

And my solution is:
  1. Open Money and my file.
  2. Go to "Banking" from the tabs, expand "Investment Accounts", and change one of my investment account to "Account is Closed".
  3. Go to "Investing" (Portfolio) and see if it crash or not.  If not, change the view type to "Show by Accounts" (the cause of crash was selected "Bond" view).
  4. Go back to "Banking" and change that closed account to open.
I hope no one needs this information but just in case, stay clam and don't panic (yet).  Always backup as well.


To resolve this issue, replace the damaged account with a new account. To do this, use the following methods in the order that they are presented. 

NOTE: Before you follow these steps, make sure that you have made ​​a data file backup. To do this, click Back Up on the Filemenu.

Find damaged Investment accounts

To find damaged investment accounts:
  1. On the Money navigation bar, click Investing Center on the Investing menu.
  2. In the Investing Center menu, click Accounts.
  3. Change View in the left pane, click Sort account list by, and then click to clear the check box Hide closed accounts.
  4. Click the right mouse button on an open account, and then click Account is Closed. If the following message appears, click No:
    There are some open positions in the account you are about to close or delete. Are you transferring this account to another investment account?
  5. Repeat step 4 for each account opened.
  6. Click Portfolio. Got the message, "You currently do not have any investment accounts" or the Portfolio page appears.
  7. In the Investing Center menu, click Accounts.
  8. Click with the right mouse button on one of the accounts which closed in step 4, and then click Account is Open.
  9. Click Portfolio. 

    If you see the Portfolio page and the account, then the account is damaged. 

    If the page appear and disappear quickly and return to the Accounts page, then the account is damaged. Close the account again.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each account until you locate and close all damaged accounts.

Create new investment accounts

To create a new investment account to replace a damaged investment account:
  1. In the left pane, click Set up accounts.
  2. Click Add a new investment account. 

    Follow the instructions in the New Account wizard to create a new account. When prompted to add investments, click No.When you are prompted to enter an estimated value for this account, do not enter any information.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each new account you create.
  4. Click Accounts.

Move Transactions of Damaged Investment Account for New Investment Account

To move transactions from a damaged investment account to a new investment account, follow these steps:
  1. In the Account & Bills menu, click Account List.
  2. Open the new account that you created.
  3. For each transaction with problems, insert a Add Shares transaction that matches the date and amount of the investment.
  4. In the Account & Bills menu, click Account List.
  5. Open the old account that had problems.
  6. Click the right mouse button on each of the transactions with problems and then click Cut and Paste to Account on the shortcut menu.
  7. Select the new account, and then click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each transaction that caused the problem.
  9. Run the Salvage Utility on your Money data file.
    1. Quit Money.
    2. Click Start and then click Run.
    3. If the file you want to repair is the last file used in Money, type "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Money \ System \ Msmoney.exe" -s in the Open box. 

      NOTE: If you installed Money in a location other than that default, type the correct path to the executable file. Be sure to include the quotation marks as indicated.
    4. Click OK to open and repair the specified file.
  10. In the Account & Bills menu, click Account List.
  11. Open the new account that you created.
  12. Click the right mouse button on each of the Add Shares transactions created, and then click Delete on the shortcut menu.
  13. Click the right mouse button on the remaining transactions, and then click Cut and Paste to Account on the shortcut menu.
  14. Select the investment account with problems, and then click OK.
  15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for all transactions in the new account.
  16. Run the Salvage Utility on your Money data file.
    1. Quit Money.
    2. Click Start and then click Run.
    3. If the file you want to repair is the last file used in Money, type "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Money \ System \ Msmoney.exe" -s in the Open box. 

      NOTE: If you installed Money in a location other than that default, type the correct path to the executable file. Be sure to include the quotation marks as indicated.
    4. Click OK to open and repair the specified file.
  17. In the Account & Bills menu, click Account List.
  18. Then right-click the new account that you created, and then click Delete on the shortcut menu.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014






  1. 有冇網上銀行
  2. 開戶收費
  3. 戶口最低存款
  4. 分行位置
  5. 有冇外幣戶口
    因為App 嘅Stores可能係用外幣找數,所以外幣戶口就有需要喇。不過都係果句:唔係所有收入都一定要入公司戶口,所以可以用自己戶口去收數。但所有支出都應該用公司戶口出票喇。
  6. 開戶、查冊時間長短
  7. 要唔要授權多一個人簽名

記住,所以開支,包括商業登記、公司註冊、開銀行戶口查冊、租virutal office、印綠盒等等,全部都可以報銷(即係唔洗自己錢、報銷咗又唔洗交稅)所以記住乜單都要keep,如果係熱敏紙,因為會褪色,所以記得影印。

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


上回講到(香港開個人公司手記(1)),我搵到個方法可以慳錢又即日開到公司,就係用註冊易。如果想無痛開公司,可以參考「香港Freelance Programmer開公司手記」。


有咗個帳戶,就可以login入去搞。我第一次開,用Mac Safari,個Java似乎唔多work,load唔到佢哋個特殊app,唯有用 VirtualBox 裡嘅 Windows XP。相信好多用Mac做開發嘅兄弟已經裝咗 VirtualBox或者VMWare或者Parallel(我以前都分享過Parallel & VMWare,太貴了,後來改用 VirtualBox算數),並且搵到個正版Windows XP。記得要Update個Java VM。

(後來我再用 Mac Safari 去註冊易,又load到個Java Plugin,吹脹)

基本上,用呢個網都唔係太難,但一定要有耐性,有啲位click咗係冇反應,等一輪就會有反應。同埋記得,填form時要save起佢個VXF 文件。一個看似 PDF但原來唔係PDF,應該係政府搵唔知邊個開發商做嘅「e-Form Filler」。





在提交之前一定、一定要、一定要記得save一份去電腦。以後你需要靠呢個VXF文件去印返M&A。M&A係公司章程之類,有講到你公司嘅資本、股分、股東之類果份嘢。開銀行戶口必備。第二日你要開VXF,可以登入「註冊易」再click 下載 e-Form Filler。run個JNLP文件就ok。(後記:日後係有機會有人會問你要返份form,例如開銀行戶口時,我起初以為可以print,print唔到就screencap。後來諗諗吓,都係覺得呢個方法可能有問題,最終係去咗公司註冊處個網,俾少少錢買返份PDF落嚟,咁就一定冇死)


交埋錢,一個鐘之內我已經收到電郵,有兩個 PDF,一個係 BR 一個係 CI。基本上公司已經開咗。可能我係在office hour內做,唔知如果晚上submit係唔係咁快。總之,一日之內已經搞掂。




在一間手機軟件公司工作咗十年,正如一些有工作經驗的Programmers,離開公司之後很不願意再次踏入另一個輪迴、另一個無間道。除非生活所迫(山窮水盡或者鐘意打工),否則點都想試吓自立門戶、接吓job、做個自由嘅freelance programmer,呃,時吓興叫「Freelance Developer」,anyway,點都係一樣。

朋友傳過來Max Chow的「開公司完全手記」(網址)有興趣可以參考,或者話,如果你打算睇我呢個post就應該先睇咗Max Chow的「開公司完全手記


1. 決定自己公司名


  1. 香港嘅商業登記,睇吓有冇人已經用咗你呢個名。
  2. 香港嘅公司註冊處,一樣係睇吓有冇人已經用咗你個名。
  3. 全球的domain registrar,睇吓有冇人已經登記咗你個名做domain name。(如果可以買到.com,應該比買個.com.hk好。)

2. 決定公司登記地址

因為查冊係可以查到公司註冊嘅地址,所以街外有好多「Virtual Office」公司俾自己個office地址別人做登記用,佢哋可以代收信、代聽電話、做埋秘書。當然收費就有高有低。

我選咗一間有六七個地點嘅service provider,選咗佢哋中環個地址(居然係七個locations裡第二平)。佢哋都有開公司服務,七除八扣之後,最平係千二蚊但要十二個工作天先開到。俾多五舊可以縮到三日。呢千二蚊仲包一套基本box set綠盒。

3. 決定點註冊你間公司


而家就講一個又平又快嘅方法,但正唔正就見人見誌。畢竟有人鐘意慳得就慳、有人鐘意請人做晒冇麻煩(見香港開公司完全手記(四):醒目地申請網址 (2)就知,乜都搵人做唔一定係好),我其實想快啲開咗間公司但又唔想俾咁貴嘅費用,結果俾我問到一個最平嘅方法。



首先,你需要個人電子證書;要個人電子證書,你需要去郵局俾$50一年買一張證書,張電子證書係可以放响你個香港身分証嘅晶片度。咁放咗响身份証又點抄去電腦呢?你需要買一部讀智能身分嘅讀卡機,咁呢部嘢應該响郵局可以買到。最後,你需要一部Windows機,因為只有Windows driver!嘩,今時今日,做Freelance Developer梗係用Mac機啦,呢個世界上有邊個OS可以俾你一次過做晒iOS, Android, web service, Windows嘅 development?咁香港政府唔多支援Mac可以點?





Sunday, 11 May 2014







(全年出生人口 57.1千人 x 3日)除以
(全年勞動人口 3873千人 x 男人比例 46.3% x 全年 232 工作日)
= 0.041175690426%






