Tuesday 23 June 2009

netbook 唔掂咩?

MacWorld UK 今日報導 Netbooks disappoint consumers, says survey

"Netbook owners are more likely to be disappointed with their machines than people who purchase larger and more expensive laptops, a retail research firm said today.

"The disappointment with netbooks – NPD analyst Stephen Baker preferred that term rather than "dissatisfaction" – stemmed from expectations that a netbook was the same, more or less, as a laptop. Six out of every 10 netbook buyers, said Baker, thought that the two were equivalent, and figured that their new netbook would have the same functionality as a laptop."

Netbook 的功能不是代替 Notebook,正如十幾年前的 Notebook 未能代替 Desktop 一樣。能代替 Desktop 的 Notebook,多半是 Desktop Replacement 的大機。至少,一般 Notebook 的 resolution 都未能比得上 Desktop 的 resolution。Netbook 的功能,就是上網和文書。對於我,就是要方便攜帶、方便在巴士地鐵用、能有效抵禦車廂的震動(唯有 SSD)。我試過用 S101 上 MyTVB,真係慘不忍睹。

"Microsoft hopes to get computer makers to drop XP Home and instead install Windows 7 Starter, the lowest-price and least-capable edition of the new OS that will be available worldwide. To quiet a growing revolt by analysts and users angered over news that Starter would restrict them to running only three applications at the same time, Microsoft ditched that limitation last month."

如果寫 Symbian 不需要 Windows,我大概會裝個 Linux 玩下。不過,要部 Netbook 方便我寫 program,暫時都係用 Windows。因為只為方便而買,所以不想刪走 XP 去試免費但只可以用一年的 Windows 7 RC。

最近,S101 開機越來越慢了。或者不應該裝 SyncToy,一裝 SyncToy 就要裝一堆 Microsoft 的 frameworks。或者下次鏟機之後,連 Windows Update 都 disable 埋。係我有偏見,鐘意見到 Mac 的 Software Update 但就係唔鐘意 Microsoft 的 Windows Update。

Netbook 唔掂咩?正如 N 年前無錢的財經節目以電車巴士比喻股票基金債券一樣:有錢又趕時間,咪搭巴士咯;無錢或者有時間既,咪搭電車咯。正所謂一分錢一分貨,三分錢咪兩分貨咯(無人講過價格和性能成正比)。

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