Saturday, 23 August 2008

iphone app - brain tuner lite

一個很不錯的iPhone App,不是要你計答案,只是要你心算來決定電腦提供的答案是否正確。很想知道Lite版裡的題目是預定還是即是生成呢?


iphone 2.0.2

My iPhone (1G/2G/8G: first generation/GSM 2G/8GB storage) OS path:

v1.1.4 Jail Break by store
v2.0 Pwnage 2.0.0, with Cydia
v2.0 Pwnage 2.0.1, without Cydia and without Pineapple logo
v2.0.1 Pwnage 2.0.2, w/o Cydia & Pineapple logo
v2.0.2 direct update in iTunes 7.7

Yeah, no need to use the Pwnage to upgrade firmware. Also, instead of using restore function in iTunes, updating in iTunes request no restore of data - all data preserved.


p.s. I watched Wall E today. Does anyone notice that the "fully charged" sound effect in Wall E is same as (or similar to) the start up tone of Macintosh computer?


#E815: 1/8
#E905: 3/19
#E1010: 0/2
#E1231: 0/6
#E1231i: 0/3
#Mhd106: 0/0

香港一早七點四十分就打八號風球(之後升到九號),唔駛返工!但,projects 一籮籮,齋睇上面條 list,嚇死人。

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


本年五月廿四日,忽然想用dot Mac,申請了一個dot Mac 60天試用帳戶(參閱『dot Mac』),也順便佔著一個@mac.com的電郵地址。

當60天試用快到期時,Apple為了Mobile Me推出早期的一堆問題致歉,免費送出30天使用期(不論係試用帳戶還是付費帳戶)。當這90天試用快結束了,Apple又再為了補償Mobile Me的一堆使用上問題,向用戶多送60天使用期,作為道歉。結果,我的試用期由60天變成150天,差不多半年,而且這150天之後,我才需要決定是否升級到付費帳戶(當然我會選擇升級)。

Apple,我不介意這額外的90天試用,也沒有受Mobile Me影響很多,除了間中一兩個calendar entry無法sync back到iMac上之外(解決方法不外乎在iPhone上改改內容或者在電腦上重新create過),以及我已經放棄了PC上的Mobile Me,但今次真的有點「老貓燒鬚」。當然不會影響愛Mac之人既熱情,但全世界都期待著Mac平台比W字頭、S字頭、P字頭的平台做得好,所以別再令大家失望。

傳說九月、十月的新MacBook將會用上MacBook Air的金屬殼,但我更期待著傳聞中的UMPC Mac產品。要notebook我還是偏向MacBook Pro,因為MacBook的效能總是差一點似的。

Wednesday, 6 August 2008



望著街外的風雨,時大時小,現在稍為停下來。心裡想著:我要返公司。好像待命中的MS pilot一樣,看著窗外面的同伴化成星塵,自己的MS卻受創而無法出擊似的。

不過,那兩台Centrino 1.7和P4 Dual Core 3.0已經追不上我踏盡油門時要求的速度了,是時候升級嗎?




提起Centrino 1.7和P4 Dual Core 3.0,順便說明一下用它們打開Symbian S60 3rd Ed. FP2 Beta SDK的速度吧。

Centrino 1.7GHz 2MB L2 cache
DDR 400MHz 1GB+512MB
SDK reside in IDE 2.5" 160GB hard disk
- 90 seconds

P4 Dual Core 3.0GHz 1MB L2 cache
DDR 400MHz 2x1GB+2x512MB Dual-Channel
SDK core reside in 768MB ram drive
- 34 seconds

Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz 6MB L2 cache
DDR2 800MHz 2x1GB
SDK reside in SATA 3.5" 160GB hard disk
- 35 seconds

P4系統的樽頸在於CPU,load模擬器時CPU長期處於100%(單CORE). 如果在C2D上跑Ram Disk,可能十秒就load完。因為做過另一個CPU intensive測試,結果是同一工序,P4得花廿幾分鐘才完成,而C2D只需五分鐘(或以內)。



opportunity cost

"Opportunity cost is the value of a product forgone to produce or obtain another product.

"It has been described as expressing "the basic relationship between scarcity and choice."

"A person who invests $10,000 in a stock denies themselves the interest they could have earned by leaving the $10,000 dollars in a bank account instead. The opportunity cost of the decision to invest in stock is the value of the interest.

"If a city decides to build a hospital on vacant land it owns, the opportunity cost is the value of the benefits forgone of the next best thing which might have been done with the land and construction funds instead. In building the hospital, the city has forgone the opportunity to build a sports center on that land, or a parking lot, or the ability to sell the land to reduce the city's debt, since those uses tend to be mutually exclusive. Also included in the opportunity cost would be what investments or purchases the private sector would have voluntarily made if it were not taxed to build the hospital.

"The total opportunity costs of such an action can never be known with certainty (and are sometimes called "hidden costs" or "hidden losses", what has been prevented from being produced cannot be seen or known). Even the possibility of inaction is a lost opportunity."









「風在山路吹」,MSN上掛著的status message。

傍晚,阿健問了個很有趣的問題:「"過往的畫面全都是我不對",所有application的UI interface都做錯嗎?」,居然被他這樣子扯上關係,不錯,說中了正在發生的事。

是我當初沒有強迫同事提升program的code quality,讓他們隨便進行死人化妝(已很久沒有用過這個詞了),是我做錯了。




